Trouble logging in?
The ACTC Services and Resources require an ATRI SSO Account (based on Google Accounts) or an Institutional SSO Account (your home institution's access management service) to access.
Access Requests
If you do not have access and are a member of ACTC, please contact: to request access.
Trouble logging into ATRI SSO?
If you are currently logged in with another Google Account, you may receive a "404. That's an error" page. Follow these steps to resolve this issue:
Determine the Google account that your browser is currently logged in as. Visit
If you are not logged with the ATRI SSO Account, logout of your current Google Account and login with your ATRI SSO Account.
If you are logged in with the ATRI SSO Account and are unable to access the ACTC Resource, please contact the ACTC Support Team,, or the Resource Contact for further assistance.
Trouble logging into an Institutional SSO?
Please contact your institution's support team for assistance.